Thünen barn and storage

Because of it's exeeding size this building attract views. It was built in 1900 - later it was destroyed by fire - and at the beginning of the 90th  years ist was recontructed.

Today it will be used as event and exhibition complex. The Spring Choir Celebration, the Farmer's Market and the Christmas on the "Tellowsche Däl'" -

that are some exceeding events which take place here throughout the year.

The storage was reconstructed in 2002. Today it is an attractiv meeting place for about 150 meeting attendand.  Moreover one can celebrate here perfect familiy parties and so on.

The estate market is in the main floor - today the entrance of the museum. The visitors can have a cup of coffee or fresh cake, called "Platenkauken"and they can buy some regional products.

Fon:  +49-39976- 541-22.

The Storage Galary „Tellower Speichergalerie“ is at the first floor. There are the possibility for special exhibitions.

The very good acoustics attract a lot of artists to Tellow. They captured the Thünen barn as a concert hall. Of course it will be also used as an great meeting place (about 450 seats).